Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This boy eating his supper alone (loosely based on a painting by the amazing Carl Larsson called "Evening Meal" - see the original at web site below) reminds of those times when I would be left at the table alone to finish a meal, long after everyone else had finished. I can't remember telling my own children "You're not leaving the table until you eat your supper!" but I may have done so, cruelly echoing my own mother's imperative. This child doesn't seem to be bothered much, whatever his reason for eating alone may be; maybe he is just got hungry and is eating his supper early, not waiting for anyone else. I wish every child could sit down to supper whenever she felt it was time to eat and be fed without thinking anything of it, as I did, as my children did, as my grandchildren do. http://scandinaviantreasures.com/website1/pages/CLEVEN1.htm

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I used to be a teacher but now I'm just trying to be a learner of life.